Chiropractic Help

How Chiropractic Can Help Those Suffering From Rheumatoid Arthritis

If you are one of the 2.1 million people in the United States suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, you probably do all you can to keep the pain and swelling in your joints to a minimum. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects the joints along with the overall health of the patient as the disease progresses.

Symptoms and Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The main symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are swollen joints, joint pain, tender joints to the touch, nodules (bumps) under the hands and arms, fever, and weight loss. While symptoms can vary from one patient to another, one symptom remains consistent with all rheumatoid arthritis sufferers, which is pain in the joints. As the disease progresses, the joints can become so diseased, that they must be replaced with artificial joints, but this instantly makes the pain better.

Traditional Treatment

The treatment options are typically very strong medications that help keep the inflammation down and help to save the joints. Another treatment that is helping many sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis is Fort Collins chiropractic care. While most people that know little about the care that Fort Collins chiropractors provide, the one consistent thought is that a chiropractor manipulates the spine, which is true, but the field of chiropractic continues to evolve and make advances that can be helpful to those suffering from autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Chiropractic Treatment

The treatment plan a chiropractor can set up for an individual with rheumatoid arthritis consists of helping improve and restore the range of movements in the joints. In addition, flexibility and increasing muscle tone can greatly help those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Moreover, a chiropractor can introduce nutrition as well as supplementation that help to control the inflammation in the joints. When the inflammation is under control, the pain is better managed.

An Individual Treatment Plan

When a person with rheumatoid arthritis visits a Fort Collins chiropractor, x-rays and an initial assessment will be conducted in order to determine the stage of the rheumatoid arthritis he or she is at and then develop an individual course of treatment.

While rheumatoid arthritis is incurable and often leads to permanent joint damage, the role of the chiropractor is to introduce the patient to a more natural treatment plan with the goal of assisting the patient to become as pain-free as possible while increasing the range of motion in the joints.

As the patient and chiropractor work together to find exercises that help relieve the stiffness in the joints, along with an anti-inflammatory diet, and supplements, the patient is able to find relief of the pain and symptoms that traditional medical does not provide.

Final Thoughts

If you or someone you love suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, you should consider a doctor of chiropractic because this course of treatment can be keep your mobile and offers a drug-free way to gain pain-relief.